Olie & Tino is an animated video showcases a dynamic and visually rich storytelling experience, featuring meticulously designed characters brought to life with fluid animation and vibrant illustrations. Each character is carefully crafted with distinct features, personalities, and expressions, adding depth and uniqueness to the narrative.
Tool: After Effects, Tumult Hype
For SingEd Global Schoolhouse, we crafted an animated and interactive games designed to teach pinyin, the phonetic system for Mandarin Chinese, to young learners in Singapore. The interactive games reinforce learning through playful and engaging activities. These resources are tailored to make early literacy enjoyable, building foundational language skills and fostering a love for learning in a fun and memorable way.
Tool: After Effects, Tumult Hype
We integrated these cutscenes into the interactive content to enhance storytelling and engagement. These cinematic moments provide context, build emotional connections, or convey essential information, seamlessly bridging gameplay or activities.
Tool: Tumult Hype
These cutscenes are visually engaging animations that complement math lessons, providing contextual narratives, problem-solving scenarios, and character-driven explanations. We seamlessly incorporated these into the interactive content, helping students grasp mathematical concepts in an immersive and enjoyable way.
Tool: umult Hype
These whiteboard animations was seamlessly integrated into the iGrow e-book to elevate the reading experience. By incorporating visually dynamic and engaging animated elements, we transformed the traditional e-book into a more interactive and immersive learning tool. Through this integration, the e-book delivers content that is not only informative but also enjoyable and highly effective.
Tool: After Effects, Tumult Hype
Whiteboard animation for Building Trust and Explanatory Models uses engaging visuals and clear narration to simplify complex ideas, foster understanding, and establish credibility. This creative approach breaks down information into digestible segments, using hand-drawn illustrations and storytelling to connect with the audience and build confidence in the message.
Tool: After Effects, Tumult Hype
Kedoudou is an educational interactive content with the integration of dynamic animation designed to enhance learning in STEM. The animation serves as both a visual and conceptual aid, making complex STEM concepts more accessible and engaging to students of various age groups.
Tool: After Effects, Tumult Hype
LearningFlow.ai is an AI-powered authoring platform designed to enhance teaching and learning. It enables educators to create custom AI-driven applications using foundational AI models (e.g., GPT-4, Gemini, Claude). The platform provides tools to augment educational and productivity capabilities and allows users to modify standard tools for customized applications suited to schools, enterprises, or individuals.
Tool: After Effects, Tumult Hype
LearningFlow.ai is an AI-powered authoring platform designed to enhance teaching and learning. It enables educators to create custom AI-driven applications using foundational AI models (e.g., GPT-4, Gemini, Claude). The platform provides tools to augment educational and productivity capabilities and allows users to modify standard tools for customized applications suited to schools, enterprises, or individuals.
Tool: After Effects, Tumult Hype
Whiteboard animation for Building Trust and Explanatory Models uses engaging visuals and clear narration to simplify complex ideas, foster understanding, and establish credibility. This creative approach breaks down information into digestible segments, using hand-drawn illustrations and storytelling to connect with the audience and build confidence in the message.
Tool: After Effects, Tumult Hype
These whiteboard animations was seamlessly integrated into the iGrow e-book to elevate the reading experience. By incorporating visually dynamic and engaging animated elements, we transformed the traditional e-book into a more interactive and immersive learning tool. Through this integration, the e-book delivers content that is not only informative but also enjoyable and highly effective.
Tool: After Effects, Tumult Hype
Olie & Tino is an animated video showcases a dynamic and visually rich storytelling experience, featuring meticulously designed characters brought to life with fluid animation and vibrant illustrations. Each character is carefully crafted with distinct features, personalities, and expressions, adding depth and uniqueness to the narrative.
Tool: After Effects, Tumult Hype
For SingEd Global Schoolhouse, we crafted an animated and interactive games designed to teach pinyin, the phonetic system for Mandarin Chinese, to young learners in Singapore. The interactive games reinforce learning through playful and engaging activities. These resources are tailored to make early literacy enjoyable, building foundational language skills and fostering a love for learning in a fun and memorable way.
Tool: After Effects, Tumult Hype
We integrated these cutscenes into the interactive content to enhance storytelling and engagement. These cinematic moments provide context, build emotional connections, or convey essential information, seamlessly bridging gameplay or activities.
Tool: Tumult Hype
These cutscenes are visually engaging animations that complement math lessons, providing contextual narratives, problem-solving scenarios, and character-driven explanations. We seamlessly incorporated these into the interactive content, helping students grasp mathematical concepts in an immersive and enjoyable way.
Tool: umult Hype
Kedoudou is an educational interactive content with the integration of dynamic animation designed to enhance learning in STEM. The animation serves as both a visual and conceptual aid, making complex STEM concepts more accessible and engaging to students of various age groups.
Tool: After Effects, Tumult Hype
LearningFlow.ai is an AI-powered authoring platform designed to enhance teaching and learning. It enables educators to create custom AI-driven applications using foundational AI models (e.g., GPT-4, Gemini, Claude). The platform provides tools to augment educational and productivity capabilities and allows users to modify standard tools for customized applications suited to schools, enterprises, or individuals.
Tool: After Effects, Tumult Hype
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